
Minutes 5th September 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.15 p.m. in the Old School
1) Chairman
The Chairman welcomed Cllr. M.Neil to his first meeting, other Councillors and members of the public.
2) Present:
In the Chair A.Vigrass, L.Bowden T.Martin, M.Norton,A.Stanley,M.Neil and K.O’Donoghue (clerk).
3) Apologies
T.Dixon, The absence of T.Dixon was approved unanimously.
4) Declarations of Interest
5) Minutes of the previous meetings held on 13th June
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.
6) Matters Arising
 None
8) County & District Councillors’ Reports
LS reported:
 GCC budget preparation was on hold with a February deadline.
 Build Back Better Grants are available
 Gloucestershire Fire Service had received a poor rating which was being addressed.
 A map of the School Lane/Keytes Lane patching work would be provided – LS
9) Parish Councillors Reports
 The caravan by Rectory Cottage had been moved.
 Dog poo bags were being left by walkers in a resident’s green bin at the top of Keytes Lane and a new dog bin
is required – Clerk to progress
 The work by Highways had improved the FP to the garage.
 The white lining work on the A44 had been agreed with Highways.
 The flashing speed sign was obstructed by a tree branch – AV to action
10) Planning
 None
11) Ash Die Back Scheme
 The forthcoming donation of saplings & whips from GCC was noted.
12) CSW Speed Watch Cameras
 AV had met M.Parker of GCC and agreed a site for the first camera at the bottom of the hill.
 LS agreed to support a grant application for a second camera – Clerk to submit
 A request for 30mph repeater signs to be submitted. Locations to be decided – M.N. to action.
12) Payments approved
Donation St.Lawrence church £250.00
Clerk salary 1st qtr. £498.04
HMRC PAYE £124.40
Mark Penfold inv.794 £170.00
Mark Penfold inv.994 £85.00
Iain Selkirk internal auditor £120.00

12) AOB
 Next meeting December 12th
Chairman………………………….. Date………………….