
Minutes 18th May 2020

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Minutes for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held via internet conference during the Corvid19 lockdown on Monday May 18th 2020 at 6.06pm.
In attendance: Cllr Andy Vigrass, Cllr Liz Bowden, Cllr Anna Stanley, Cllr Angela Hay, Cllr Tom Martin,
District Cllr Clive Webster and Alexia Monroe (clerk).
1 The election of the chairman and vice-chairman has been postponed until the next
meeting in July.
2 Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllr Mark Norton and Cllr Louise Davis,
3 Declaration of Councillors interests: none.
4 The approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st April 2020 was
proposed by Cllr Vigrass and seconded by Cllr Bowden.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
5.1 Due to Covid-19 restrictions the Annual Meeting of the Parish will not take place.
6 Finance report: the RFO reported that no invoices had been paid since the last meeting
and the balance in the account stood at £7,308.31.
7 Plaque in remembrance of Admiral Sir Peter Herbert: Cllr Vigrass proposed placing a
plaque above the water trough, down Back Lane opposite Glebe House to commemorate
the contribution to the village by Peter Herbert. This was accepted unanimously; it will be
funded by private donations and a final decision will be taken at the next meeting.
8 District Council report: Cllr Clive Webster reported that Cotswold District Council (CDC)
had given £10k to Cotswold Friends for their work in the community and was working
closely with the Foodbank to ensure residents were provided for. The planning application
for High Beeches would be sent to the Planning Committee as there were several technical
issues which needed clarification.
9 Planning: 20/00842/FUL and 20/00843/LBC Full Application for Erection of a single-storey
rear extension at High Bank, Bourton On The Hill, GL56 9AH. Application withdrawn.
20/00853/FUL Full Application for Erection of a single storey extension to existing
outbuilding at 2 School House, Bourton On The Hill, GL56 9AH. Still to be decided.
10 Correspondence received: an email commenting on bonfires and a letter complaining
about the appearance of High Beeches.
11 Urgent matters to report: Cllr Hay commented that the speed of lorries had increased now
that restrictions were being lifted. Cllr Bowden reported the dangerous stones on the
verge up Keytes Lane.
12 Dates for meeting for 2020 which will be via Zoom until government guidelines change:
July 6th, September 14th and December 7th
Any member of the public who would like to attend the meeting in July, can send their
email to the Clerk at for inclusion via Zoom.
The meeting closed at 6.50pm