Minutes for the meeting held via internet conference during the Corvid-19 lockdown on
Tuesday April 21st 2020.
In attendance: Cllr Andy Vigrass, Cllr Liz Bowden, Cllr Mark Norton, Cllr Anna Stanley, Cllr Angela Hay, Cllr Tom
Martin and Cllr Lynden Stowe. Alexia Monroe (clerk) and two members of the public.
1 Welcome and apologies for absence. Cllr Louise Davis and District Councillor Clive Webster.
2 Declaration of Councillors interests for items on the agenda. None
3 Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on February 24th 2020.
Proposed by Cllr Vigrass and seconded by Cllr Bowden.
4 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
4.1 The 75th anniversary celebrations of VE Day have been cancelled.
4.2 The Parish Council Annual Meeting will be held online and unless other procedures are in
place or the restrictions for social distancing have been lifted, the Annual Meeting of the
Parish will be as well. Reports from the village organisations will be posted on the website.
Any residents who would like to join the meetings as observers, should give their email to the
5 The meeting was closed in accordance with Standing Orders and public speaking was limited solely
to items on the agenda.
Ron Aldridge expressed his concerns on the planning application 20/00853/FUL. The meeting was
6 Finance:
6.1 Finance report by the Responsible Finance Officer. The balance in the bank account is
£7,383.31. The accounts are being prepared for the annual audit by Amanda Smith as we
have not been advised to any changes to these procedures. Payments received £3,675.00
precept from Cotswold District Council and the allotment rents of £20.00.
6.2 Expenditure items paid by BACS and in accordance with the budget: Invoices paid on 25th
March 2020 Martin Brace for the repair to the middle bus shelter £240.00, on 15th April 2020
Mark Penfold £75 for mowing the verges, Lazenby IT for internet security £1.87, Amanda
Smith payroll services £75.00, Batsford Estate allotment rent £6.00, BHIB public indemnity
insurance £170.08, Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils (GAPTC) annual
membership subscription £83.33, Data Protection annual subscription £35.00. 22nd April,
Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) annual subscription £76.00.
7 Highways:
7.1 The flooding issues in the car park at the Old School Hall have been reported to Harry Roberts
who has added it to the list of gully cleaning. These have been suspended until further notice.
7.2 The repairs to the signs on the A44/Blockley turning will be re-submitted to Cllr Lynden Stowe
although the Lengthsman scheme is suspended until further notice.
8 Review of the latest planning applications:
20/00880/TCONR Works to trees in conservation areas for Horse Chestnut – Fell and replace with a
small leaved Lime. 10 ash – fell due to ash dieback and replant with Hazel and native shrubs at
Manor Farm, Bourton On The Hill, GL56 9AQ. No objections.
20/00842/FUL and 20/00843/LBC Full Application for Erection of a single-storey rear extension at
High Bank, Bourton On The Hill, GL56 9AH. No objections.
20/00853/FUL Full Application for Erection of a single storey extension to existing outbuilding at 2
School House, Bourton On The Hill, GL56 9AH. The vote to support the application but to ask for
the small window to be reconsidered: 5 in favour, 1 against.
9 County Council report from Cllr Lynden Stowe: Fire crews are helping by managing ambulances,
and extra £16m was expected from central government to help towards delivering the right
Bourton on the Hill Parish Council minutes 21st April 2020
resources for the disruption to communities from covid-19 and especially adult social care.
Hospitals and intensive care units are well resourced, there is enough personal protection
equipment and good bed capacity.
10 Correspondence received: Camilla Chandler on the problem of bonfires and smoke. The Clerk will
reply and information from CDC about nuisances will be posted on the website.
11 Urgent matters to report: Helen Blight is self-isolating and the Clerk has taken over responsibility
for checking the Fenhill Close defibrillator. Fly tipping of a sofa and kitchen units has been
reported to CDC. Cllr Tom Martin left the meeting and did not participate or vote on item 8.
12 Dates for meetings in 2020: May 11th for Annual Meeting of the Parish and Parish Council Annual
Meeting, July 6th, September 14th and December 7th
The meeting closed at 7.40pm