Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Thursday 13th July 2023 at 7.15 p.m. in the Old School
1) Chairman
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and 3 residents
2) Present:
In the Chair A.Vigrass, L.Bowden,A.Stanley, M.Neil,C.Priest, C.D.Councillor D.Corps and K.O’Donoghue (clerk).
3) Apologies
Lynden Stowe & Adrian Chandler
4) Statement by the Chairman
Andy Vigrass said how the current demands on the PC warranted a full village survey to create a village plan and thought that whoever ran that process should also implement it.
He was therefore resigning both as Chairman and as a Councillor to allow someone to take over and manage the process from start to finish.
He had served as chairman for 12 years and overseen many projects, including a village plan 11 years ago and felt it was the appropriate time for a fresh pair of hands.
The Council expressed shock and regret, but also that they unanimously wished to express heartfelt thanks to him for his years of service to the community.
A.V. then left the meeting and the Vice Chairman L.Bowden assumed the chairmanship of the meeting.
5) Declarations of Interest
6) Deferral of Acceptance of Office
It was unanimously resolved that A.Chandler could defer the signing until the next meeting.
7) Public Question Time
Representation were heard from two residents:
- That the footpath to the garage should be cleared sufficiently to allow the passage of disability scooters.
D.C. offered to approach Highways to see what could be done.
- That consideration be given to increasing the precept at the December meeting to financially support The Old School which was struggling with a loss of customers since the enforced closure and boiler breakdown.
D.C. offered to investigate whether CDC grants or assistance were available.
The PC requested that the accounts & bank statements be made available to assess potential support needs.
- A request to prevent parking on the white lines at the Old School was made – DC to investigate
6) Minutes of the previous meetings held on 16th May
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.
6) Matters Arising
- None
7) County & District Councillors’ Reports
D.C. reported that:
- He was the newly elected Councillor whose constituency included BotH; he described his background and experience.
- There was a new system to speed up planning applications, this would involve consultation with the PC at an earlier stage.
8) Thanks to resigning Councillors
- A unanimous vote of thanks was made to M.Norton and A.Vigrass for their huge contributions to the work of the Council over many years.
9) Highways & Infrastructure
M.N. reported that:
- Highways would need to assess the impact of the CSW cameras before considering any new counter speeding measures.
- A new GCC, CSW coordinator had been appointed which may result in camera implementation delays. Contact details to be forwarded, – Clerk
- Noted – that the litter pick was arranged for w/e 15th July – AS
10) Planning
- None
11) Clerks Report & Correspondence
- The presence of giant hogweed had been reported to Batsford, resolved: that residents be warned of its danger via The Bugle & website. Batsford to be contacted next spring to ask for timely action.
- A request to install a plaque in Millenium Wood had been received – M.N. to action
- A demand for payment had been received from HMRC. The payment had been made but not correctly allocated by HMRC – Clerk to resolve.
12) Annual Parish Meeting Actions
- Resolved: that the points noted by A.V, in his report to the minutes would be incorporated into ongoing PC programmes.
13) Allocation of Responsiblities
- Defibrillators – P. to contact Mark Norton and assume responsibility.
- Website – A. Vigrass to be contacted to discuss working arrangements – A.S.
- Agreed that the remainder should be allocated at the September meeting in the context of item #14.
14) Strategy
- Resolved – To establish a Working Group of C.P. & A.S. to recommend PC objectives, timing & action plans at the September meeting. Agreed that the first step should be a residents survey to establish priorities.
- A copy of the Moreton survey to be provided – C.
15) Bugle Funding & Donations
- Resolved – that going forward the PC reimburse A.Vigrass or successor £110 per edition.
- Resolved – that a donation of £500 be made to St.Lawrence for the maintenance of the clock & FP
16) Payments approved
Clerk salary 1st quarter £539.64 Old School Rent £100.00
HMRC PAYE £129.51 Penfold inv.1155 £180.00
Penfold inv.1190 £270.00 Penfold inv.1229 £180.00
17) Election of Chairman
- Chris Priest was unanimously elected as Chairman.
18) AOB
- Noted – the management of the website was an issue and it may be necessary for the PC to establish its own.
- Noted – the banking mandate needed review in light of the resignation of A.V.
- Next meetings Thurs. Sept 7th and Mon Dec. 11th.
- The meeting closed at 9,24pm
Chairman………………………….. Date………………….