
Minutes 12th December 2023

Minutes Uploaded on December 19, 2023


       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 12th December 2023 at 6.30 p.m. in the Old School

1)      Chairman

The Chairman welcomed Councillors and residents

2)      Present:

In the Chair C.Priest, A.Stanley, A.Chandler, A.Sorby, L.Stowe, D.Corps and K.O’Donoghue (clerk).

3)      Apologies


4)     Declarations of Interest


5)    Cooption of Councillor

It was unanimously resolved that David Buck be co-opted as a member of the Council.

6)    Public Question Time

Representations were heard from residents:

  • The PCC informed the meeting that the church toilet was now open during daylight hours.

7)     Minutes of the previous meetings held on 7th September

The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.

8)     Matters Arising

  • Internet access via BT continued to be an issue. The Council will support residents whenever possible.

9)   County & District Councillors’ Reports

L.S. reported that:

  • New money was available for road surfacing including the Aston – Batsford road.
  • A public consultation online was underway on next year’s budget priorities.
  • The parish had been prioritised in his division for the provision of CSW cameras.
  • Build Back Better grants (of up to £500) were still available.

D.C reported that:

  • A productive meeting had taken place between the Old School and Longborough village hall committees.
  • GWR had refused to commit to a start date for the refurbishment of Moreton station facilities including the pedestrian bridge, consequently he had started an online petition.
  • The majority of services will be returned to the control of the Council.
  • The Planning Dept. continued to be monitored by the Levelling Up Dept. for under performance.
  • A CDC parking survey would be circulated in the next month for Moreton and surrounding villages.

10) Highways & Infrastructure

  • CSW

– The Clerk reported that Highways had scheduled the poles for installation by March.

– There was a danger that only one pole would be installed. Resolved Clerk to raise with LS.

– The issue of approved signage was unresolved and being discussed by the CSW team and the Dept. of Transport.

  • Thanks were expressed to Luke James for the gratis repair work of the upper notice board.
  • The Millenium Wood Bench would be inspected by Luke James, Resolved if it was not repairable it would be removed.

11)  Planning

  • 23/03537/FUL High Beeches garage. Resolved – neutral with comment on low level lighting requirement.

12)  Clerks Report & Correspondence

  • The following bank mandate changes were agreed.

Resolved unanimously that Elizabeth Bowden, Thomas Martin and Mark Norton be removed as signatories.

Resolved unanimously that Christopher Priest, Anna Stanley and Adrian Chandler be added as signatories.

13) The Bugle & Social Media

  • Agreed that revenue from advertising should be obtained to cover printing costs, with a target of the Spring edition.
  • Agreed that AS would extend the role of Mailchimp by posting information from CDC & GCC, Old School and village events as appropriate.

14) Reports on Councillor Responsiblities

  • ASt – the new website was now functional and Netwise the provider were providing excellent support.
  • More information was being added, the individual Cllr. email addresses were a useful addition.
  • ASo – a briefing meeting with CDC Planning had been attended which had provided a useful basis for future comments.
  • AC – Keytes Lane & Back Lane potholes had been filled. Repair times were being monitored.
  • Dog poo notices would be delivered shortly
  • Decibel & pollution meters were available at a cost of £30 – £70.


  • CP –     new pads had been purchased for the Defibrillator at Fenhill Close bus stop
  • a 47% response rate had been achieved for the village survey and the results would form the basis for PC discussion. The main concern of residents was speeding.
  • Aggregated survey results will be published on the PC website in January

15)  Budget

  • A motion was passed unanimously to exclude the public from the meeting discussion on the budget and precept.
  • A budget was passed unanimously.
  • Resolved – that the precept be increased by 5% to £51.27 Band D, a total precept of £8362

16)  Finance

  • Payments approved:

 Kopyrite – Survey    £204.00              Penfold inv.1404                 £180.00

Heartbeat defibs.      £163.80                GAPTC                                 £80.00

A.S notice board      £47.55                      PKF ext. auditors            £48.00

Acoountability         £80.00                  Penfold inv.1361                 £180.00

HMRC Paye            £134.80                  Clerk quarterly salary       £539.64

Netwise website      £1138.80

17) Parish Councillor Reports

  • The Troopers Lodge school bus and overhanging trees problem had been reported but needed chasing – Clerk
  • AC & ASo to take responsibility for FPs and contact with Cotswold Wardens – Clerk

18)  Forthcoming Village Events

  • Friday Dec.15th  Blockley Blokes Choir at St.Lawrence’s Church
  • Saturday Dec. 16th  Village Xmas Party in the Old School
  • Last Saturday of each month – Rural Cinema in the Old School

19) AOB

  • Next meetings –   2024 March 5th , May 7th , July 9th , Sept.12th, Nov 26th
  • The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.17pm.