Two young children can be seen from behind. The girls to the left is playing with a brightly coloured plastic cash register toy, The infant next to her has pulled himself up onto a green padded ring and is watching the girl. They are in a playroom with parts of other toys visible.

Baby & Toddler Group

Category: Clubs / Societies

The friendly group meets every Monday during term time, from 9:30am to 10:45am in the downstairs room of the Old School.  Babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, from birth to 4 are all warmly welcome.  Their dedicated setting is home to a huge array of toys and equipment to engage every stage of development – plus comfy seating for parents to sit back and relax whilst enjoying a cup of tea.

Booking isn’t required – just turn up.  £1.50 per child, adults free, refreshments included.

For more information, please contact Alix Nicklin