Bourton on the Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th December 2019 at 6:30pm
in The Old School Hall, Bourton on the Hill.
Present: Cllr Andy Vigrass (chairman), Cllr Liz Bowden (vice-chairman), , Cllr Louise Davis, Cllr
Angela Hay, Cllr Anna Stanley, Cllr Tom Martin, Cllr Mark Norton and District Councillor Clive
Webster. Members of the public: 4
1 Welcome and apologies for absence were accepted from Alexia Monroe.
2 Declaration of Councillors interests for items on the agenda: none
3 Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on
September 9th 2019. Proposed Cllr Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
4 Matters arising from the previous minutes
4.1 A grant of £450 from Cotswold District Council for the Community Orchard
project has been received. Tom Dixon, Chairman of the Community Project
Committee, gave an update on the progress of the project.
4.2 A Mailchimp email account has been set up for parish communications and
has over 70 contacts registered.
4.3 The ‘No parking’ signs for Keytes Lane to replace the damaged ones have been
received and are awaiting installation.
4.4 There is a need to organise a defibrillator familiarisation session for Fenhill
Close residents, Helen Blight has offered to host it.
5 No one chose to speak in accordance with Standing Orders
6 The Council voted unanimously to appoint Alexia Monroe as the Parish Council
representative to the Help In Need Charity for a four year term.
7 Cllr Clive Webster gave an update from the District Council:
The ANPR speedwatch cameras are not available yet due to the police resolving
a GDPR concern.
It was suggested that it would be useful for the Parish Council to organise a
private speed measuring exercise at 2 locations in the village: at the top end of
the village and near Fenhill – to gather data for a week’s traffic volumes & their
8 Finance
8.1 The Parish Council have received £678.36 refund for VAT reclaimed in the past
8.2 The bank balance is currently £5,364.27
8.3 The draft budget for 2020/21 was proposed by Cllr Vigrass and accepted
9 Highways
Concern was expressed about the metal posts outside Hillcrest Bungalow, these
could cause injury to pedestrians & cyclists, especially in the dark. We are still
waiting for Highways to deal with this issue.
10 Review of the latest planning applications
19/03276/FUL April Cottage. The Council voted by a majority of 5 for and 2
against to support application for the turning area at April Cottage and in the
supporting statement to state that the space not be used for parking.
19/00988/FUL High Beeches. Cllr Webster summarised the feedback from the
planning department, sharing concerns about massing and landscaping.
11 Website: Due to soon-to-be obsolete technology the website will need replacing
by the end of 2020, the content and requirements to be discussed at the first
council meeting in 2020.
12 Correspondence received: none
13 Urgent matters to report: The proposed revision by CDC to change green bin
collections to fortnightly was questioned and the PC asked Cllr Webster to find
out more about the reasoning behind this decision.
14 Dates for the Parish Council meetings for 2020 were agreed.
The suggested dates were: 24th February, 20th April, 18th May (annual meeting of
the Parish Council and the Parish), 6th July, 14th September and the 7th December.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm