Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday 28th February 2021 at 7.15 p.m. in the Old School
1) Chairman
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and members of the public
2) Present:
In the Chair A.Vigrass, L.Bowden,T.Dixon,A.Hay M.Norton,A.Stanley, L.Stowe, C.Webster and
K.O’Donoghue (clerk).
3) Apologies
4) Declarations of Interest
5) Minutes of the previous meetings held on 6th December
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.
6) Matters Arising
Parking issues had been addressed – no further action required.
7) County & District Councillors’ Reports
LS reported:
The GCC tax rise would be 2.99%, 1% of which was for adult & child care
£100m over 4 years would be available for highways resurfacing.
£550k would be available for community led road safety schemes e.g. VAS
Build Back Better grants of £500 -£1k were available.
CW reported:
Planning had confirmed that High Beeches had permission for residential use only.
Council tax would increase by £5 for band D properties
Payment for contested PC elections would be phased in starting in 2023
New parking charge arrangements to be forwarded to Clerk – CW
8) Parish Councillors Reports
9) Highways
LS updated on the traffic survey, agreed an onsite meeting tba to discuss traffic calming options.
LS agreed – to investigate possible actions on resurfacing of Keytes & School lanes, widening the
A44 narrow footpath and the cutting the bush outside Endersleigh.
10) Village Signs
Resolved – to investigate sources of funds for the village map board.
Noted – The Bledisloe Cup sign to be relocated to the Community Gardens – thanks to Nathan Clark.
11) Planning
Resolved – CDC Local Plan consultation to be completed by individual councillors but not the PC
12) Annual Parish Council & Parish Meeting
Agreed – Provisional date of May 9th
, AV to liaise with Parish organizations
13) Jubilee Celebrations
Agreed – a street party to be arranged by the Old School Committee for June 5th, PC to apply for
14) Great British Spring Clean
Date agreed – Saturday March 12th meet at Old School – Clerk to organize kit
15) St. Lawrence Donation
Agreed unanimously that a proposal to make a donation should be on the June agenda.
15) Clerks Report
Millenium Wood ownership – agreed that councillors would make enquiries and Clerk would
contact the Land Registry.
Lorry watch scheme – agreed Clerk to supply details to Village Speed Watch.
Potholes – agreed any potholes with a depth > 4cms to be reported.
17) Payments approved
Village Hall room rental £40.00
Clerk’s quarterly salary £457.60
16) AOB
Noted that £924 of reserves were ring fenced for the allotments, clerk to obtain a copy of the lease.
Noted that the Jubilee oak saplings had been planted
The next meeting will be on Monday 11th April
The meeting concluded at 9.39 pm.
Chairman………………………….. Date………………….