
Minutes 26th May 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday 26th May 2022 at 5.45 p.m. in the Old School, adjourned to June 13th
1) Chairman
A.Vigrass was unanimously elected as Chairman
2) Present:
In the Chair A.Vigrass, T.Martin, M.Norton, L.Bowden and K.O’Donoghue (clerk).
3) Apologies
C.Webster, L. Stowe, A.Stanley, T.Dixon
4) Declarations of Interest
5) Minutes of the previous meetings held on 11th April
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.
6) Matters Arising
 None
7) County & District Councillors’ Reports
 None
8) Parish Councillors Reports
 None
9) Planning
 None
10) Audit
 Iain Selkirk was appointed as Internal Auditor
 The effectiveness of the system of internal control was reviewed by the RFO
 The findings of the review were approved.
 It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.
 The Accounting Statements were considered
 It was resolved to approve the Accounting Statements.
 The chairman was authorized to sign and date the Accounting Statements.
 The Chairman was authorized to sign the Certificate of Exemption
11) Payments approved
Accountability Services £75.00
GAPTC subscription £77.46
BHIB Insurance renewal £170.08

12) AOB
 None
Chairman………………………….. Date………………….