
Minutes 24th February 2020

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Bourton on the Hill Parish Council
Minutes for the Parish Council meeting held on Monday February 24th 2020 at 6.30pm in The
Old School Hall.
Present: Cllr Andy Vigrass (chairman), Cllr Liz Bowden, Cllr Anna Stanley, Cllr Louise Davis, Cllr
Angela Hay and County Councillor Lynden Stowe and the Clerk Alexia Monroe.
Members of the public: 1
1 Cllr Andy Vigrass welcomed councillors and accepted apologies from Cllr Mark
Norton and Cllr Tom Martin.
2 Declaration of Councillors interests: None.
3 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th December 2019 were agreed and
signed by the chairman. Proposed by Cllr Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
4 Matters Arising from the previous minutes.
4.1 The new recycling bins and bags have been distributed.
4.2 The Clerk will contact Community Heartbeat Trust to arrange a date for the
defibrillator training to be held in the Old School Hall.
4.3 The metal posts on the verge down Keytes’ Lane have been removed. The ‘no
parking’ signs have sustained more damage. The Clerk will organise the repairs.
5 Public Speaking in line with Standing Orders.
Tom Dixon updated the Council on the progress of the Community Garden and
Allotments. Paths and barbed wire have been cleared as well as 12 fruit trees
planted. June 2020 will be the next round of grant applications from Cotswold
District Council (CDC) and a grant application will be submitted to Cllr Lynden Stowe
for up to £500 towards the community venture. The Clerk will liaise with Mr Dixon
before applying for the grants.
6 County Council report by Lynden Stowe: The budget has been increased by 3.99%
with 2% ring fenced for adult social care. The Javelin Park recycling plant will be
opening a visitor centre in early summer. The County Council are committed to
planting one million trees in the county to help offset climate change. There will be
more white lines painted on the road between the village and Trooper’s Lodge to
help avoid accidents.
7 Finance:
7.1 The Responsible Financial Officer reported that BACS payments had been made to
Martin Brace for the repairs to the ‘no parking’ signs of £84.00 and £220.00 was
paid towards the expenses for the Community Garden and Allotments. The bank
account stood at £5,123.06.
8 New Website: Cllr Vigrass reported that Tom Dixon has offered to help.
9 Highways:
9.1 Discussion following a request by the A44A Working Group to support the proposed
strategy of the advisory route via Northleach and not building more bypasses along
the A44. Proposed by Cllr Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
9.2 The Council decided to ask Highways to change the Blockley turning from the A44
from a ‘Give Way’ to a ‘Stop’ junction as there have been four recent incidents
where cars have failed to stop and damaged the wall and road signs. The Clerk will
apply to Cllr Lynden Stowe to add the repair of the damaged signs at this junction to the
Lengthsman scheme which will be restarted in April.
10 Review of the latest planning applications:
10.1 19/00987/FUL Full application for rear and side extensions with associated
alterations and earthworks at High Beeches, Bourton on the Hill, GL56 9AB. The
Council voted to support this application.
10.2 19/00988/FUL Full application for part retrospective alterations to land levels,
retaining walls, replacement drystone wall to eastern boundary, and
construction of a new drystone boundary on northern boundary with relocated
access at High Beeches, Bourton on the Hill, GL56 9AB. The Council voted to
support this application.
10.3 20/00142/FUL demolition of existing conservatory, replacement with new
garden room and redesigned patio and replacement of existing windows. Glebe
House, Rectory Lane, Bourton on the Hill, GL56 9AF.
10.4 The parcel of land adjacent to Little Tithe. The Council have asked CDC Planning
Department to check whether the works on this site breach planning law.
11 Correspondence received: None
12 Urgent matters to report:
The 75th anniversary of VE Day – discussions are on-going with the Old School
Committee on the feasibility of holding a celebration on the May 9th
The village fete will be on the first Saturday in October.
13 Dates agreed for 2020: April 20th, May 11th for Annual Meeting of the Parish and
Parish Council Annual Meeting, July 6th, September 14th and December 7th
Meeting closed at 20:09pm