
Minutes 20th July 2021

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Minutes from the meeting of Bourton on the Hill Parish Council held on Tuesday July 20th 2021 at 6:30pm in the Old
School Hall, Bourton on the Hill.
Present: Cllr Andy Vigrass (chairman), Cllr Liz Bowden, Cllr Mark Norton, Cllr Tom Martin, Cllr Angela hay, Cllr Anna
Stanley, Cllr Louise Davis and Alexia Monroe (Clerk). Members of the public: 1
1 Welcome and apologies for absence: Tom Dixon and County Councillor Lynden Stowe have
offered their apologies.
2 Declaration of Councillors interests for items on the agenda: Cllr Stanley has an interest in the
planning application in item 8.
3 The minutes of the meeting of the Annual Parish Council held on 4th May and the finance meeting of
22nd June 2021 were proposed by Cllr Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
4 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
4.1 Repairs to the Millennium Wood fence and the kerb stones have been completed.
4.2 Keytes Lane has been added to the list of verges mowed by Mark Penfold.
5 District Council report: None in the absence of Cllr Clive Webster.
6 Finance report: There were no financial transactions since the last meeting. The Clerk was asked to
see what options are available with software for reclaiming VAT from HMRC to avoid the expense of licencing
accounting software.
Cllr Stanley left the meeting.
7 Planning applications: 21/02595/FUL Full application for a replacement garage at Church House,
Rectory Lane, GL56 9AF. There were no objections.
Cllr Stanley rejoined the meeting.
8 Review and approval of the Standing Orders, Internal and External Risk Policies. Proposed without
revisions by Cllr Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
9 Highways: The damage to the signs by the Blockley B4479 turning have been reported again the Cllr
Lynden Stowe and Highways. Cllr Vigrass to contact the Police Commissioner to speed up the replacement.
The Clerk to purchase a new dog waste bin for opposite Fenhill Close.
10 Community Orchard report: Tom Dixon offered a written report:
The gardens and orchard were open to the public as part of the Open Gardens Scheme, feedback was very
positive and one possible volunteer was identified. The allotments are now full with two new people taking
plots last month; one may become available next year. New applicants will be put on a waiting list. The
balance remaining in the accounts is approximately £800.00.
11 Correspondence received: There was a query about an historical planning permission about a quarry
in the parish.
12 Urgent matters to report:
12.1 The Council decided to retain the Bledisloe Cup sign and that it should be moved to the
Community Orchard / Allotment area.
12.2 Clerk’s emails need fixing on her new PC as a matter of urgency. The Clerk and Cllr Norton to
12.3 Councillors to start investigating ideas for a village map sign, including content, design &
13 Dates for the meetings in 2021: September 21st and December 7th
The meeting closed at 7.16pm