
Minutes 16th May 2023

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Tuesday May 16th 2023 at 7.15 p.m. in the Old School
1) Chairman
 Andy Vigrass was unanimously elected as Chairman
2) Vice Chairman
 Elizabeth Bowden was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman

3) Present:
In the Chair A.Vigrass, ,A.Stanley,C.Priest, M.Neil, and K.O’Donoghue (clerk).
4) Apologies
L.Bowden, M.Norton, Adrian Chandler. Resolved that these Councillors could make the Declaration of
Acceptance of Office at the next meeting.
5) Declarations of Interest
6) Minutes of the previous meetings held on 13th February
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.
7) Matters Arising
 The Star Cottage planning objection was ongoing.
 Potholes in Keytes Lane were numerous and should be reported.
 Tks to M.Norton for resolving the Defib. software issue, the unit was back online.
8) County & District Councillors’ Reports
 None
9) Parish Councillors Reports
 The next agenda would include a discussion on the long term planning & objectives of the PC.
 There was concern that the pub was being prepared for sale.
 A litter pick would be organized – AS
 The possibility of a recreation ground being created on Glebe Field to be on the next agenda.
10) Highways & Infrastructure
 CSW cameras.
Noted –2 cameras were to be delivered from 23rd May, mounting & set up would need to be arranged.
 A request for a 20mph limit would not be supported by the Police – no further action
 A review of the highways signage in the village would be undertaken – MN
 The width of the path to the garage would be queried as part of the village review with LS – AV
11) Planning
 None
12) Allotments
 Agreed – that a suitable sign for the gate would be organized by Tom Dixon and financed from Allotment
 Agreed – that the Bledisloe Cup sign would be relocated to the allotments – AS
13) Payments approved
Clerk salary 4th quarter £539.64 HMRC PAYE £134.80
Accountability £80.00 Insurance renewal £224.86
Defib – MN £312.00 GAPTC subscription £80.00
Internal Auditors fee £145.00
14) AOB
 Thurs July 13th, Mon Sept 4th, Mon Dec. 11th
Chairman………………………….. Date………………….