
Minutes 13th May 2019

Minutes Uploaded on October 5, 2023

Bourton on the Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 13
th May 2019 at
6.00pm in The Old School Hall.
Present: Cllr Andy Vigrass, Cllr Liz Bowden, Cllr Louise Davis and Cllr Angela Hay. With District
Councillor Clive Webster and Alexia Monroe (Clerk).
1 Election of Chairman: Andy Vigrass agreed to stand as chairman, nominated by
Cllr Davis and seconded by Cllr Bowden. Cllr Liz Bowden has agreed to stand as
vice-chairman proposed by Cllr Vigrass and seconded by Cllr Davis.
2 Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllr Tom Martin and Cllr Mark Norton.
3 Councillors remembered Peter’s contribution to the village over 30 years and to
the nation as an Admiral of the Fleet. His funeral will be on June 4th
4 Declaration of Councillors interests. None.
5 The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on March 4th 2019 were proposed by
Cllr Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
6 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
6.1 The new bench by Fenhill Close has been finished.
6.2 The broken bollards, finger post on the Blockley Road and the sunken drains
have been reported to Highways and Lynden Stowe for the Lengthsmen’s Scheme.
7 Introduction of new District Councillor Clive Webster. There was a discussion on
speeding traffic and possible options for traffic calming measures.
8 Finance report by the RFO:
Cheques signed: BHIB Insurance £170.08 (cheque no. 000106) annual public indemnity
insurance; The Society of Local Council Clerks (cheque no.000107) £76.00 annual
subscription; GAPTC £81.23 (cheque no.000104) annual subscription, Martin Brace £54.00
(cheque no.000105) for fixing the new bench. (Paid by BACS: Mark Penfold £150.00 for
two cuts, Amanda Smith for Account-Ability £75.00 for payroll services). Proposed by Cllr
Vigrass and accepted unanimously.
9 The Millennium Wood: Nic Dicker has examined the copse and advised against
planting any other trees as the tree canopy is too dense to allow any new sapling
to survive. The Rimmer family have been contacted about purchasing a new
10 Planning: The Council will write to support application 19/01318/FUL the new
facilities at St Lawrence’s Church.
11 Correspondence received:
12 Urgent matters to report:
13 Dates for meetings in 2019: Annual Meeting of the Parish on June 3rd at 7.30pm,
July 8th, September 9th and December 9
Meeting closed at 7:03pm