DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday 11th April 2022 at 7.15 p.m. in the Old School
1) Chairman
The Chairman welcomed Councillors
2) Present:
In the Chair A.Vigrass, ,T.Dixon, A.Stanley, and K.O’Donoghue (clerk).
3) Apologies
T.Martin, M.Norton, L.Bowden, C.Webster
4) Declarations of Interest
5) Minutes of the previous meetings held on 28th February
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.
6) Matters Arising
A meeting date with LS had yet to be arranged.
Bledisloe cup sign move was being organized by TD
The Great British Spring Clean day had produced 14 bags of rubbish.
7) County & District Councillors’ Reports
The Chairman read the report from CW.
It was commented that public toilets should offer contactless payment.
8) Parish Councillors Reports
Future expenditure would be on a mower & plants Resolved – to approve expenditure up to £400
on a mower.
A 20mph limit in Fernhill Close would be desirable
Funds of the A44 Action Group of £43.34 had been temporarily deposited in the PC account.
H signage was desirable at the B4479 junction
9) Highways
Items for discussion with LS & Highways would include 20mph zone, average speed cameras &
VAS, coloured road markings, white lines, ‘SLOW’ signs on road surface, ‘dragon teeth’ road
markings, children playing signs & people crossing signs.
10) Planning
22/00724/FUL – no objection
11) Annual Parish Council & Parish Meeting
Agreed – both meetings to be on May 26th, the Annual PC meeting will start at 5.45pm and be
followed by the Annual Parish Meeting.
12) Millenium Wood
AS reported that the safety inspection had revealed no obvious hazards.
Agreed – a tidy up group to clear some undergrowth to be arranged – AS & TD
13) Clerks Report
The Millenium Wood deeds had been obtained from the Land Registry showing the PC owned c.half
of the area being maintained.
Batsford Estate had confirmed that they were unaware of any formal agreement for the rental of the
17) Payments approved
Allotment Expenses £106.00
Batsford Estate Allotment Rental £6.00
Website expense £35.00
Clerk’s quarterly salary £498.04
16) AOB
The next meeting will be on Monday 26th May @ 5.45pm
The meeting concluded at 8.40 pm.
Chairman………………………….. Date………………….